Ref: SMTA/APR.2022/EBM/Min-02
Dated 14-04-2022
Pursuant to the Agenda Notice dt 28/03/2022 the 2nd Executive Body Meeting of The Surgical Manufacturers & Traders Association was held on Wednesday ,13 APR 2022 at 7.00 PM at MGM CLUB, Ansari Road , Darya Ganj , New Delhi-110002.
The Following members were present
1 : Mr Pradeep Chawla ( in the chair )
2: Mr. Puneet Bhasin 3: Mr. Harpreet Singh
4: Mr. Anurag Seth 5: Mr. Ashu Sareen
6: Mr Karan Bir Suri 7: Mr.Prashant Narula
8: Mr. Rajesh Narula 9: Mr. Rajesh Sawhney
10: Mr.Rakesh Arora 11: Mr. Rakesh Sawhney
12: Mr. Ramesh Bhasin 13: Mr. Ramesh Bhatia
14: Mr. S.B.Sawhney
Regrets: Mr. Ashok Sareen ,Mr. Arun Sharma , Mr. Jasmeet Singh , Mr Satish Mahajan , Mr. Sunil Sharma
Mr. Pradeep Chawla informed the house about the sad demise of Shri Hans Raj Grover, Partner of M/s Grover Enterprises, Delhi and Shri Nitesh Goel, Director of M/s Mx-Rady Lab Solutions P Ltd. The members present observed one minute silence and prayed for the departed souls.
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