Ref: SMTA/SEP 2023/EBM/Min-17
Dated 18-09-2023
Pursuant to the Agenda Notice dt 13/09/2023 the 17thExecutive Body Meeting of The Surgical Manufacturers & Traders Association was held on Saturday , 18thSeptember 2023 at 6.00 PM at The Jaypee Siddharth , Rajendra Place , New Delhi.
The Following members were present .
1 : Mr Pradeep Chawla ( in the chair )
2: Mr. Puneet Bhasin
3: Mr.Harpreet Singh
4 Mr. Anurag Seth
5: Mr.Satish Mahajan
6: Mr.Rakesh Sawhney
7: Mr. Ramesh Bhasin
8: Mr. Rajesh Narula
9: Mr. Ramesh Bhatia
10: Mr. Ashu Sareen
11: Mr. Rajesh Sawhney
12: Mr. Rakesh Arora
13: Mr. Vishal Anand
14: Mr. Jasmeet Singh
15 : Mr. Prashant Narula
It was pointed out in the EBM that earlier the Price Control Regulation in Drug Act probably had a turnover based exemptions, so it needs to be clarified further with the Drugs department . It was
also suggested by Mr Prashant Narula that we should approach a forum called YBL to highlight the problems being faced by the micro / small enterprises due to regulatory overreach caused on account of medical devices being declared as drugs . There being no other matter , the meeting came to an end with thanks to the chair.
For The Surgical Manufacturers & Traders Association,
Harpreet Singh
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