Notification No. 20/2020–Customs
New Delhi, the 9th April, 2020
No. 20/2020–Customs
G.S.R. 247(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962) read with section 141 of Finance Act, 2020 (12 of 2020), the Central Government on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table below falling within the Chapter, heading, sub-heading or tariff item of the First Schedule to the said Customs Tariff Act specified in column (2) of the Table below, from whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon under the First Schedule to the said Customs Tariff Act and the whole of health cess leviable thereon under section 141 the said of Finance Act, 2020
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Notification No. 44 /2015-2020
Notification No. 44 /2015-2020
New Delhi, Dated: 31st January 2020
Subject:- Amendment in Export Policy of Personal Protection Equipment/Masks — reg
S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, the Central Government hereby makes following amendment with immediate effect in the Schedule 2 of the ITC (HS) Export Policy 2018.
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D.O.N0. Secy(MCA) COVID-19/1/2020
D.O.N0. Secy(MCA) COVID-19/1/2020
19th March, 2020
All Companies/LLPs
Sub: Advisory on Preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID19.
Dear Chairman/ MD/ CEO,
As we all are aware, the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has affected over 110 countries, including India. Given the magnitude and the extent of its spread, the WHO has declared it a Pandemic. Apart from human suffering, it is also causing major economic disruptions.
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Notification 26th June, 2020
New Delhi, the 26th June, 2020
S.O. 2119(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (9) of section 7 and sub-section (2) read with sub-section (3) of section 8, of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006, (27 of 2006), hereinafter referred to as the said Act, and in supersession of the notifications of the Government of India in the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises number S.O.1702 (E ), dated the 1st June, 2020, S.O. 2052 (E), dated the 30th June, 2017, S.O.3322 (E ), dated the 1st November, 2013 and S.O.1722 (E ), dated the 5th October, 2006, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (ii), except as respects things done or omitted to be done before such supersession, the Central Government, after obtaining the recommendations of the Advisory Committee in this behalf, hereby notifies certain criteria for classifying the enterprises as micro, small and medium enterprises and specifies the form and procedure for filing the memorandum…
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Notification No. 47 /2015-2020
Notification No. 47 /2015-2020 New Delhi,
Dated: 8th February 2020
Subject: – Amendment in Export Policy of Personal Protection Equipment/Masks S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 3 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, the Central Government hereby makes following amendment in the Notification No. 44 dated 31.01.2020 related to export of Personal Protection Equipment and Masks
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Notification: 24th June, 2020
New Delhi, the 24th June, 2020
S.O. 2033(E).– In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 (2 of 2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Ordinance), the Central Government hereby specifies , for the purposes of the said sub-section (1),-
(i) the 31st day of December, 2020 shall be the end date of the period during which the time limit specified in, or prescribed or notified under, the specified Act falls for the completion or compliance of such action as specified under the said sub-section; and
(ii) the 31st day of March, 2021 shall be the end date to which the time limit for completion or compliance of such action shall stand extended:
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SEBI relaxation: March 19, 2020
New Delhi, the 11th February, 2020
S.O. 648(E).— In pursuance of sub-clause (iv) of clause (b) of section 3 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 (23 of 1940), the Central Government, after consultation with the Drugs Technical Advisory Board, hereby specifies the following devices intended for use in human beings or animals as drugs with effect from the 1st day of April, 2020, namely:―
All devices including an instrument, apparatus, appliance, implant, material or other article, whether used alone or in combination, including a software or an accessory, intended by its manufacturer to be used specially for human beings or animals which does not achieve the primary intended action in or on human body or animals by any pharmacological or immunological or metabolic means, but which may assist in its intended function by such means for one or more of the specific purposes of ―
(i) diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of any disease or disorder;
(ii) diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation or assistance for, any injury or disability;
(iii) investigation, replacement or modification or support of the anatomy or of a physiological process;
(iv) supporting or sustaining life;
(v) disinfection of medical devices; and
(vi) control of conception.
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SEBI relaxation: March 19, 2020
March 19, 2020
All listed entities that have listed their specified securities
All Recognized Stock Exchanges
All Depositories
Madam / Sir,
Sub: Relaxation from compliance with certain provisions of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 due to the CoVID -19 virus pandemic
- The CoVID 19 virus has hit populations around the world and has resulted in many restrictions, including free movement of people, thereby hampering businesses and day to day functioning of companies. It has been declared a ‘pandemic’ by the World Health Organization (WHO).
- Developments arising due to the spread of the virus warrant the need for temporary relaxations in compliance requirements for listed entities. Accordingly, SEBI has decided to grant the following relaxations from compliance stipulations specified under the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (‘LODR’) to listed entities.
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Circular: TCS on sale of goods
Important points:
- TCS U/S 206C (1H) shall be applicable where the seller receives any amount as consideration of more than Rs. 50 Lakhs from a single buyer for the sale of ANY GOODS with effect from 1st October 2020.
- The Seller may be any person.
- Important point to note is that TCS is to be collected on receipt of consideration for the sale.
- The rate of tax is 0.1% (0.075% upto 31st march 2021) of the amount in excess of Rs. 50 Lakhs. However if the buyer does not have PAN number or Aadhar, TCS rate shall be 1%.
Non Applicability:
- Turnover is less than Rs 10 crores in the preceding financial year
- Export Sale
- TDS provisions are applicable on the goods
- Buyer is the Central Government, State Government, Embassy, High Commission, legation, or trade representation of a foreign state.
- Where the buyer is a local authority
- Where TCS is already levied on goods under other provsions.
Returns and payment: Quarterly returns have to be filed in form 27EQ. Payments have to be made on a monthly basis by 7th of every month.
Ministry of Finance
Recommendations of the 42nd GST Council Meeting
Posted On: 05 OCT 2020 7:44PM by PIB Delhi
The 42nd GST Council met under the Chairmanship of Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman through video conferencing here today. The meeting was also attended by Union Minister of State for Finance & Corporate Affairs Shri Anurag Thakur besides Finance Ministers of States & UTs and senior officers of the Ministry of Finance& States/ UTs.
The GST Council has made the following recommendations:
- Levy of Compensation Cess to be extended beyond the transition period of five years i.e. beyond June, 2022, for such period as may be required to meet the revenue gap. Further details to be worked out.
- Centre is releasing compensation of ₹ 20,000 crore to States today towards loss of revenue during 2020-21 and an amount of about ₹ 25,000 crore towards IGST of 2017-18 by next week.
- Enhancement in features of return filing: In its 39th Meeting held in March 2020, the Council had recommended an incremental approach to incorporate features of the new return system in the present familiar GSTR-1/3B scheme. Various enhancements have since been made available on the GST Common Portal. With a view to further enhance Ease of Doing Business and improve the compliance experience, the Council has approved the future roadmap for return filing under GST. The approved frame work aims to simplify return filing and further reduce the taxpayer’s compliance burden in this regard significantly, such that the timely furnishing of details of outward supplies (GSTR-1) by a taxpayer and his suppliers would –(i) allow him to view the ITC available in his electronic credit ledger from all sources i.e. domestic supplies, imports and payments on reverse charge etc. prior to the due date for payment of tax, and (ii) enable the system to auto-populate return (GSTR-3B)through the data filed by the taxpayer and all his suppliers. In other words, the timely filing of GSTR-1 statement alone would be sufficient as the return in FORM GSTR-3B would get auto prepared on the common portal.To this end the Council recommended / decided the following:
a. Due date of furnishing quarterly GSTR-1 by quarterly taxpayers to be revised to 13th of the month succeeding the quarter w.e.f. 01.1.2021;
b. Roadmap for auto-generation of GSTR-3B from GSTR-1s by:
i. Auto-population of liability from own GSTR-1 w.e.f. 01.01.2021; and
ii. Auto-population of input tax credit from suppliers’ GSTR-1s through the newly developed facility in FORM GSTR-2B for monthly filers w.e.f. 01.01.2021 and for quarterly filers w.e.f. 01.04.2021;
c. In order to ensure auto population of ITC and liability in GSTR 3B as detailed above, FORM GSTR 1would be mandatorily required to be filed before FORM GSTR3Bw.e.f. 01.04.2021.
d. The present GSTR-1/3B return filing system to be extended till 31.03.2021 and the GST laws to be amended to make the GSTR-1/3B return filing system as the default return filing system.
4. As a further step towards reducing the compliance burden particularly on the small taxpayers having aggregate annual turnover < Rs. 5 cr., the Council’s earlier recommendation of allowing filing of returns on a quarterly basis with monthly payments by such taxpayers to be implemented w.e.f. 01.01.2021. Such quarterly taxpayers would, for the first two months of the quarter, have an option to pay 35% of the net cash tax liability of the last quarter using an auto generated challan.
5. Revised Requirement of declaring HSN for goods and SAC for services in invoices and in FORM GSTR-1w.e.f. 01.04.2021 as under:
a. HSN/SAC at 6 digits for supplies of both goods and services for taxpayers with aggregate annual turnover above Rs. 5 crores;
b. HSN/SAC at 4 digits for B2B supplies of both goods and services for taxpayers with aggregate annual turnover upto Rs. 5 crores;
c. Government to have power to notify 8 digit HSN on notified class of supplies by all taxpayers.
6. Amendment to the CGST Rules: Various amendments in the CGST Rules and FORMS have been recommended which includes provision for furnishing of Nil FORM CMP-08 through SMS.
7. Refund to be paid/disbursed in a validated bank account linked with the PAN &Aadhaar of the registrant w.e.f. 01.01.2021.
8. To encourage domestic launching of satellites particularly by young start-ups, the satellite launch services supplied by ISRO, Antrix Corporation Ltd. and NSIL would be exempted.
Note:- The decisions of the GST Council have been presented in this note in simple language for easy understanding. The same would be given effect to through Gazette notifications/ circulars which alone shall have force of law.
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Circular: SMTA.4th June 2020
Dear Members,
Due to the prevailing situation & as Precautionary Measure against massive increase in the Corona Virus cases in the vicinity of Bhagirath Palace & Chandni Chowk Markets, it is requested that all the shops & establishments should remain closed till 4th June 2020. However, the closure of the market can be extended depending upon the situation.
Stay at home and remain safe.
Thanks & Regards
Puneet Bhasin
Secretary -SMTA
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