Ref: SMTA/JUL .2022/EBM Emergent/Min-05
Dated 14-07-2022
Pursuant to the Agenda Notice dt 14/07/2022 the 5th Executive Body Meeting of The Surgical Manufacturers & Traders Association was held on Thursday ,14 JUL 2022 at 6.00 PM sharp at Registered office of association at 60 Darya Ganj , New Delhi -110002
The Following members were present
1 : Mr Pradeep Chawla ( in the chair )
2: Mr. Puneet Bhasin
3: Mr. Harpreet Singh
4: Mr. Anurag Seth
5: Mr. Arun Sharma
6: Mr.Ashu Sareen
7: Mr. Rajesh Narula
8: Mr.Rajesh Sawhney
9: Mr. Rakesh Arora
10: Mr.Rakesh Sawhney
11: Mr. Ramesh Bhasin
Regrets: Mr. Satish Mahajan , Mr. Ashok Sareen , Mr. Jasmeet Singh Bhatia , Mr. Prashant Narula ,
Mr. S.B.Sawhney , Mr. Vishal Anand
AGENDA ITEM 1 :Welcome Address by the President
President Mr. Pradeep Chawla welcomed all the members to the 4th Executive Body Meeting of the Association and requested the Secretary to start the meeting as per agenda .
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