Ref: SMTA/DEC 2024/EBM/Min-10
Dated 26/12/2024
Pursuant to the agenda notice dated 23rd December 2024, the 10th Executive Body Meeting of The Surgical Manufacturers & Traders Association was held online on Wednesday, 25th December 2024, at 5:00 PM.
The following members were in attendance:
- Mr. Rajesh Sawhney (in the chair)
- Mr. Puneet Bhasin
- Mr. Harpreet Singh
- Mr. Anurag Seth
- Mr. Kapil Sareen
- Dr. Bobin Saluja
- Mr. Amit Sareen
- Mr. Rajesh Narula
- Mr. Summit Narula
- Mr. Ashu Sareen
- Mr. Rakesh Sawhney
- Mr. Ramesh Bhasin
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